Friday, December 28, 2007

Woman With Large Screen TV and Hardwood Floors Whines About "Pitiful" Free Money From Taxpayers

A New Orleans resident, Sharon Jasper, had the gall to sit in her taxpayer subsidized home with a large screen tv and hardwood floors and whine that it's "pitiful" what the rest of us taxpayers are giving her for free. If anyone knows Ms. Jasper, I hope they tell her how sorry us people who work for a living are that she doesn't enjoy as many luxuries as she might otherwise like courtesy of those of us who choose to work for a living and pay taxes and that we hope she can upgrade to a better free government handout that she finds less pitiful real soon.

Thanks for the Christmas Eve Property Tax Bill

The morons at City Hall think it's a good idea to mail property tax bills right before Christmas. I received my bill on Christmas Eve, as I assume others did. Do the idiots who run the government ever stop to think that perhaps people don't enjoy receiving a big property tax bill that must be largely a waste of money given the crappy condition of our roads, public schools, etc. on the night before Christmas? Would it kill them to send the bill some time other than right before Christmas? Do politicians ever think like normal human beings? Imagine if you had a business with thousands of customers whom you only billed once a year -- don't you think you'd have the common sense to issue that once-a-year bill some time other than Christmas Eve?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Good Press for New Orleans from the New York Times

New Orleans received some good press from, of all places, the doom and gloom New York Times.

Bill and Hillary Clinton's Drug Use

American Digest takes a look at Bill and Hillary Clinton's past drug use in response to the Clinton campaign's attempt to score points bases on Barack Obama's admitted drug use. "Believe me, the last thing Hillary Clinton wants is for anyone on her campaign or any other campaign to start looking into drug use. Especially for Candidates shacking up in Berkeley . . . in the lovin' summer of 1971."

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sucre on The Today Show

Joel Dondis' sweet shop Sucre will be featured on The Today Show this morning.