Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"Justice for Jefferson" is a Joke

A local group calling itself "Justice for Jefferson" is fighting for Congressman Bill Jefferson. It issued a lengthy statement that makes no sense (full text here) and argues for "justice" for Dollar Bill. When most of us think of justice for Bill Jefferson, we envision him wearing an orange jumpsuit in a cell in a federal penitentiary somewhere. Not this group, which is led by the head of the local NAACP, Danatus King. Black leadership in New Orleans is nonexistent.


Anonymous said...

What a joke.

sl said...

Why are you making the leadership issue a black thing? Seems to me that leadership is lacking on multiple fronts. And seems to me that to make it about blacks only shows that you may be part of the leadership void problem by contributing to a racially hostile and polarizing environment.

Anonymous said...

It is true leadership is generally lacking, but it is nothing but evasion of reality to fail to acknowledge that the black community has a political stranglehold on NOLA and is failing its own for the sake of race politics. Danatus King is perhaps one of the best educated racist knuckleheads you'd ever not want to meet. I, however, have had that misfortune. When the African American community would rather rally around a black crook, because he's black, than seek and demand honest, competent officials, they reap what they sow--unfortunately, so do those of us in the minority.

Nola Blogger said...

Thanks for commenting, Southern Leftist and Anonymous. Sorry for the delay in responding. S.L., my comment was in the context of a post about the actions of the head of the local NAACP, which is a group that claims to provide leadership to blacks. Compare the NAACP's response to Bill Jefferson's indictment to, say, its response to the Duke lacrosse non-rape case to see who is contributing to a racially hostile and polarizing environment. Those who stick their heads in the sand on these issues only perpetuate the soft bigotry of low expectations for minorities.